Ray Duray's blog

French journalist investigated over intelligence leaks

The Committee To Protect Journalists has a recent article on 9/11 censorship:


New York, December 10, 2007—The Committee to Protect Journalists is concerned about a criminal investigation launched by French authorities against Guillaume Dasquié, a reporter for the daily Le Monde, on accusations of publishing state secrets related to the 9/11 hijackings.

Officers from the Directorate of Territorial Security, a counterespionage agency, searched Dasquié’s Paris home on Wednesday. They detained him for 48 hours, during which time he was interrogated and pressured to reveal his sources, according to international news reports. Dasquié faces five years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros (US$110,000) under Article 413-11 of France’s penal code if convicted.

“We are troubled by the criminal probe against Guillaume Dasquié and his detention for two days by French security services who pressured him to reveal his sources,” CPJ’s Executive Director Joel Simon said. “Dasquié should not be prosecuted for serving the public’s right to know.”

Recent Bin Laden Tape is a Fake


Re: New Bin Laden Tape an Obvious Fake

You might want to take a look at this blog entry with embedded video of the recently released Bin Laden tape. This item is enough to convince me that the tape is fake and the public is being bamboozled with yet another DoD psyop.


Compelling Video at Google

"What We Saw" by Bob and Bri is a compelling 26 minute eyewitness video shot on the morning of 9/11 from a the 36th floor of a high-rise apartment about 500 yards Northwest of WTC 1.


Pay particular attention at Minute 11:48 to 12:19 when the videographer witnesses the second plane impact and almost immediately calls it a "military plane".

Again, pay particular attention at Minute 14:07 which is the commencement of the collapse of WTC 2. The camera is aimed at street level prior to the top of WTC 2 cascading and the camera picks up a very curious dust cloud at the base of the towers prior to any material traveling down from above. In "9/11 Eyewitness", videographer Rick Siegal caught this same phenomenon on video from across the Hudson River. This looks like it is possible confirmation that Rick Siegal correctly identified a smoke/dust plume at the street level just prior to the collapse of WTC 2.

This video does not provide the sort of analysis that we might see in other documentaries. This is raw footage shot on the morning of 9/11 with no overdubbing and minimal editing.

If anyone reading this happens to know the filmmakers, please indicate this in the comments section.

Buzzflash Editors Note Suspicious Link Between Zelikow and Rice

This is the editorial comment at the top of the Buzzflash frontpage right now:

Members of the Sept. 11 commission said today that they were alarmed that they were told nothing about a White House meeting in July 2001 at which George J. Tenet, then the director of central intelligence, warned Condoleezza Rice about an imminent Al Qaeda attack. Philip D. Zelikow, the executive director of the Sept. 11 commission, is quoted in this article. He is a past and current aide to Rice and was, one can assume, selected to be the staff head of the committee so that the White House could suppress the truth and direct the committee through a loyal surrogate.

Here's the linked article:


9/11 Vendetta -- You Tube

Archive: This video was first posted to YouTube on April 21, 2006. Links to several other 9/11 related videos also available.


New Sibel Edmonds Documentary

"Kill the Messenger" Documentary


AIRED on the French CANAL network:


Out of love for her newly-adopted country, Sibel Edmonds agreed to join the FBI as a translator in the wake of 9/11. But her world
gets turned upside-down when Sibel reports wrongdoings to her supervisors: one of her colleagues from the Translation Unit is
secretly working for the same Turkish officials who are “targetted” by the top-secret FBI investigations that Sibel is working on. As a “reward” for her whistle-blowing, Sibel is fired from the FBI. Today, she is fighting for the very ideals that American democracy relies on, and is facing, against overwhelming odds, some of the most reckless and powerful officials in the U.S. government.

Sibel has granted a film crew full and exclusive access to document
her story, and her struggle, as we zero in on her “secret”. KILL THE MESSENGER (UNE FEMME A ABATTRE) is a true spy story about the only American citizen who dared stand up to the FBI in an attempt to expose the truth on some specific yet hidden aspects of today’s War on Terror and give the American people the protection and security the U.S.

Rebutting the Left Gatekeepers

In brief, this is a new article refuting some of our leading left gatekeepers, especially Alexander Cockburn's dismissal of our movement.


Ten Questions For 9/11 Coincidence Theorists
by Andres Karger

I often visit the CounterPunch.org site because I enjoy reading the many interesting articles I find there. However, on my last visit, I was somewhat surprised to see Alexander Cockburn’s article on “The 9/11 Conspiracy Nuts,” which is a brutal assault on those who believe in the complicity of the Bush administration in the 9/11 attacks.

Not that I hadn't run across the “our-President-would-never-do-that” viewpoint before (which I do not claim are exactly Mr. Cockburn’s words). It’s just that the gullibility [1] of Alexander Cockburn and other such folks, and even more importantly, their total lack of inquisitiveness, about these criminal attacks are always a source of amazement to me.
[Continues at website.]

Review: 9/11 Press For Truth

Quote: "9/11 Press for Truth leads us to some pretty grim ideas about what is really going on in the so-called "War on Terror." We listen to key administration officials ignoring fair questions with evasions, condescending non-answers and repeated fairy-tales about Terrorism and The Enemies of Freedom, and we don't know what to think. Are we being protected from a Truth we cannot handle? Or has a power elite simply hijacked the nation?"

Read more here.