jkeogh's blog

SAIC Paper Proposes National Security Through a Culture of Restraint (and Stigma)

From: Slashdot.org 

decora writes
"An SAIC analyst has written a paper [PDF] calling for the 'stigmatization' of the 'unattractive' types who tend to discuss government secrets in public. The plan, described in the Naval Postgraduate School Homeland Security Affairs journal, is to promote self-censorship as a 'civic duty'. Who needs to censor themselves? Amateur enthusiasts who describe satellite orbits, scientists who describe threats to the food supply, graduate students mapping the internet, the Government Accountability Office, which publishes failure reports on the TSA, the US Geologic Survey, which publishes surface water information, newspapers (the New York Times), TV shows, journalism websites, anti-secrecy websites, and even security author Bruce Schneier, to name a few."

Dont miss the comments.

FOIA Fundraising

In continuation of the recent post:

FOIA Fees Related to the release of 09/11 Records from the FBI (and the one before)

The briefing phase of federal litigation seeking the release of never before seen 9/11 FBI records is now complete and the final decision rests with the assigned judge. The records at issue include evidence collection records from the much debated Pentagon and Shanksville crash scenes, records establishing much debated in-flight phone calls reportedly placed on 9/11 and a never before heard audio recording from one 9/11 flight. The defendants have relied on a large body of legal experts working to prevent the release of these records. A public interest FOIA attorney has provided assistance at a reduced public interest rate and has volunteered their services toward any need to appeal to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Final funds toward these generously provided expert services are needed. Thank you in advance for your support. Updates on the status of this litigation will be provided as soon as they become available.

Open Letter to Canadian Minister of Public Safety Regarding 9/11

February 22, 2011
Kip Warner
Email kip@thevertigo.com
OpenPGP B6E28B6
Attn: The Honourable Vic Toews
Minister of Public Safety
Suite 306, Justice Building House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Dear Sir,

It is my understanding that Public Safety Canada was provided with a mandate enacted on March 23rd 2005[1] by the Government
of Canada to ensure that Canadians are safe from a range of risks such as natural disasters, crime, and terrorism. The
Department has stated that there is no more fundamental role for government than the protection of its citizens. [2] I write you then
in an open letter as a private citizen regarding the Government of Canada's official disposition to the events of 9/11, and all
derived matters predicated there upon.

297 Files from NYC OEM 09/11 Maps Database

A 708MB collection of files from the NYC OEM was obtained via the FOIL process.
It's a mix of Power Point files, images and PDF's.
Download Link:
If you do not yet have a Bittorrent application, please see:


FOIA Fees Related to the release of 09/11 Records from the FBI

In regards to the previous fundraiser: http://911blogger.com/news/2010-10-20/foia-funds-request, an additional $250 to cover assessed FOIA processing fees is needed, so that the court’s review of FOIA requests for many important 9/11 FBI investigative records regarding the Pentagon, Shanksville, American Airlines flight 11 and United Airlines flight 175 can proceed. Thank you again for your support.

Why Robert Parry is right about 9/11 Truth

Jan 30th 2011

By Kevin Ryan

Nothing moves through the path of most resistance, and certainly not the human mind.  A recent article written by journalist Robert Parry has provided another good example of this long-standing fact.   In that article, Parry exhibits an astonishing lack of knowledge about the truth movement and the questions posed by honest 9/11 skeptics as he attempts to publicly denigrate those questions and people.  The well-respected journalist Parry provides excellent examples, throughout his article, of how normally reasoned and well-researched professionals can suddenly turn into people who cannot deal with facts or evidence.  Unfortunately, Parry’s comments are correct in one sense as demonstrated by another article published in response to his.  For some people, the 9/11 truth movement is a parlor game.

Victoria Ashley Joins 911Blogger Moderation Team

We are pleased to announce that Victoria Ashley has accepted our invitation to help moderate 911Blogger.

911Blogger users will be familiar with her posts and comments as Victronix.

Victoria is a co-founder and editor of 911TruthNews.com.

The following is posted as her bio there:

Victoria Ashley has been researching the attack since 2003 and has contributed unique insights into the modes and methods of misinformation used to marginalize the 9/11 Truth Movement. Victoria highlighted the importance of Steven Jones’ work in a 2006 essay, Steven E. Jones, A Physics Professor Speaks Out on 9-11: Reason, Publicity, and Reaction, and in late 2006, helped to organize the Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice group. Her most recent essays are Discrediting By Association: Undermining the Case for Patriots Who Question 9/11, and, To Con a Movement: Exposing CIT’s PentaCon ‘Magic Show‘.

Victoria has demonstrated her concern for truth and justice by consistently relying on credible evidence and sound reasoning to expose not only the false elements of the official version of 9/11 and the evidence pointing to insider involvement, but also misinformation and dubious claims that have been circulated in the 9/11 Truth Movement.

In addition, she has demonstrated patience and respect for people, even when she or her views are subject to hostility. We believe Victoria will be an asset on the 911Blogger Team in our mission to cover 9/11 related news, events, information and research, to advance the cause of truth and justice, and to provide a space that promotes civil discussion of news and issues related to 9/11 and the post-9/11 world.

We also want to acknowledge the importance of the 911Blogger user community; the site would not exist without you. We appreciate your feedback on the management and direction of 911Blogger as we go forward into the next decade following 9/11. The thread below is open for your comments.


Welcome, Victoria!

Justin, Ted, John and Erik

Urgent request for FOIA lawsuit financial support.

Litigation seeking the release of never before seen 9/11 FBI records is currently underway in the federal courts. There is an immediate need for a FOIA attorney to assist the plaintiff with this important case. The defendants have a large body of legal experts working to prevent the release of these records. A public interest FOIA attorney has offered their services at a reduced public interest rate. Will you help to raise the required funds? Release of these requested records may help settle questions surrounding the Pentagon and Shanksville controversies, as well as others. Release of these records could also help overcome future claims of release exemption by the FBI for other 9/11 records requests.

See the WEBSITE One Million New Yorkers Will Be Directed To

The new buildingwhat.org

Dear Friends,

BuildingWhat.org is up and running! A few weeks from now, thousands of New Yorkers - maybe even millions - will visit BuildingWhat.org to learn about Building 7 for the first time. Please take a look, and while you're there, please consider donating to help put the "BuildingWhat?" ad on every TV screen in New York.

We’ve raised $25,000 more since the ad premiered last Thursday, bringing us to a total of $39,765, and it has been viewed over 100,000 times on YouTube. Thank you for making the first week of the ad’s existence a huge success.

Two Important Action Items!

1) Can you forward the URL http://BuildingWhat.org to at least 10 friends so that another 100,000 people learn about the “BuildingWhat?” campaign?

“BuildingWhat?” Banners – Help Spread the Word


BuildingWhat Banners

Help spread the word by putting one of these banners on your website, and be sure to embed the ad too:

BuildingWhat.org BuildingWhat.org/banners

Watch The Ad One Million New Yorkers Will See!

Watch the NYC BuildingWhat? Video

Dear Friends,

We are pleased and tremendously excited to share this groundbreaking TV ad with you for the first time. We hope, with your help, to be able to show it to one million New Yorkers one month from now. Please go to BuildingWhat.org to watch the ad and please donate generously. Every $750 we raise is enough for another spot to reach another 10,000 people. Your donation will be fully tax-deductible. 5% of it will go to the WTC Rescuers Foundation. And 5% of it will be matched by another generous donor.

Our strategy for buying spots is guided by two principles. Firstly, showing it to audiences who will respond productively and influence the public discussion, such as young people, academics, journalists and the political class. And secondly, repetition!

We will be sending off the ad two weeks from now. Between now and then we welcome your comments. We're all in this together!

Very truly yours,

Site Upgrade Note

A recent security update broke the comment voting system, we hope to have the problem fixed soon.

NORAD plans Washington exercise Tuesday

From: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/dr-gridlock/2010/07/norad_plans_washington_exercis.html

The North American Aerospace Defense Command will conduct early morning exercises over the Washington area.

The exercises will take place between midnight and 2 a.m. Tuesday and Wednesday. Civil Air Patrol aircraft and Coast Guard HH-65 Dolphin helicopters will take part in the exercise.

These exercise flights have been conducted throughout the U.S. and Canada since the start of Operation Noble Eagle, the command's response to the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

-- Associated Press

Chile's New Net Neutrality Law

From: http://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/07/13/2056218/Chile-First-To-Approve-Net-Neutrality-Law

Chile has become the first country in the world to approve, by 100 votes in favor and one abstention, a law guaranteeing net neutrality

(Google translation; Spanish original)

The law states [/. submitter's translation]: 'No [ISP] can block, interfere with, discriminate, hinder, nor restrict the right of any Internet user of using, send, receive or offer any content, application, or legitimate service through the Internet, as well as any activity or legitimate use conducted through the Internet.'

Login Problems

UPDATE - July 8th
Putting this blog back on top, a few people are still contacting us with login or commenting problems, please see the instructions below on how to correct this.

UPDATE: We've isolated our recent login problems to cookie-handling changes in the Drupal 6.17 update. (See http://drupal.org/node/458704). Our excellent programmer has corrected the problem, but unfortunately the lifetime of our login cookies was 23 days.... so you may still be unable to login well into July unless you clear all your "911blogger.com" cookies.

How to clear cookies:

Internet Explorer:

Previous Note: