911 Truth Activities - New York Convergence 9-11-2008 COMPLETE

14 continuous play videos (if i did this right) of highlights of several days of street actions at Ground Zero and in lower Manhattan Sept 2008
next best thing to being there...
next time... BE THERE!

Thanks for posting this GARKO

Was an experience I personally will never forget. If there is one time and one place all of us should gather each year, then it's NYC on 9-11. Thank you Luke, Sabrina, and ALL of WeAreChange for the most intense and satisfying experience for a 9-11 Truther. I have much more to say, but I am currently under the weather. Can't wait to see more videos from NYC posted here on 911blogger.

With you in solidarity,
WeAreChangeLA - http://www.wacla.org

Thanks, Garko, for posting

Thanks, Garko, for posting this.

It was great to meet you and Bruno this year.

Maybe I'm delusional, but I really believe that something is going to give next year . . . . 2009.

Either way, looking forward to next year's NYC 9/11 Truth events. They're always empowering. Maybe as a goal (similar to ae911Truth.org), we can try to double the attendees in NYC next year . . .

2000 to NYC in 2009 . . . At a certain point, the U.S. MSM won't be able to ignore us. At least Russian news is not censoring us.

My best -


Betsy is awesome!

So wonderful meeting you too Betsy. Thank you for the wristband/bracelet! I think you had the most popular item at the whole event. :)

With you in the struggle,
WeAreChangeLA - http://www.wacla.org

great work garko, bless you

great work garko, bless you